Limor Aton

Director of the Intergenerational Mediation Program

Limor Aton earned a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences from The Open University and a Master’s in Conflict Resolution, Management and Negotiation from The Hebrew University.


She is also an experienced mediator who specializes in intergenerational mediation and organizational mediation. And is also an experienced facilitator of trainings, workshops and mediation courses and has gained expertise in content development.


She leads the department of Intergenerational Mediation at Mosaica and helped to develop the model for this type of mediation with the Mosaica team facilitating mediations as well as teaching the model nationwide. She also developed and teaches a model for training family caregivers dealing with disputes, fatigue, and overload. Additionally, she facilitates the Mosaica basic mediation course in which she trains new mediators.