Conflict Coaching for Individuals

The goal of conflict coaching is to provide the tools for individuals or small groups to independently manage disputes and resolve conflicts. This coaching is conducted in the absence of the opposing party.

What is conflict resolution coaching?

Conflict coaching is a one-on-one process that teaches participants to analyze the source of a dispute, utilize mediation tools for optimal communication, and formulate a practical plan for resolving it. During the coaching sessions participants learn to assess the dispute they are involved in, understand their own conduct and methods of coping, and acquire the ability to decide on a strategy to manage and resolve the dispute. If the solution requires contacting additional parties, the coaching prepares participants to formulate a clear and effective method of communication based on mediation communication tools.

What are the advantages of coaching?

  1. Provides tools for independent and effective management of disputes.
  2. Enables drafting of an action plan to deal with the dispute.
  3. Provides an objective and professional perspective on the dispute.
  4. Provides alternatives to coping with disputes when the other side is unavailable or unwilling to participate in mediation.

Who can use this service?

This service is designed for people dealing with disputes that wish to enhance their coping abilities, negotiate effectively, and improve interpersonal skills. This service is also useful when the other side of the dispute is unavailable for mediation.

Who facilitates the coaching?

Sessions are facilitated by certified and experienced mediators who have undergone specialized training in conflict resolution coaching.

Who asks to participate and who refers people to coaching?

The public and organizations are invited to contact Mosaica to receive the service.

Where is the coaching held?

Residents of Jerusalem or the surrounding area may come to Mosaica’s offices in Jerusalem. Mosaica also offers online services via Zoom.

In addition, Mosaica collaborates with over 75 Community Dialogue and Mediation Centers in the community across the country and can refer people to centers close to their place of residence.

How is the coaching conducted?

Coaching sessions begin with an intake meeting in order to establish the parameters of the case and determine an appropriate match. A personal meeting is then set with a Mosaica facilitator/coach. During this meeting, the conflict is mapped. Management tools and an action plan are provided during the coaching sessions.

How long does the coaching last?

Each coaching session lasts between 90-120 minutes. Up to three meetings may be necessary, depending on the complexity of the case and the needs of the participant.

How much does it cost?

The cost  depends on the type of mediation and number of sessions required. The cost is determined after an initial intake call.

It is important to note that financial constraints do not impede mediation or coaching sessions from taking place. When necessary, applications for partial or full subsidies to fund the process can be submitted and are reviewed by the Center’s executive committee.

What language is used during coaching?

Hebrew, English, French, Spanish, and Italian.

Examples of Conflict Resolution Coaching

A 50-year-old woman called Mosaica for a consultation. She explained that her mother was a resident of a nursing home. She had noticed certain actions taken by the staff while caring for her mother that disturbed her and she wished to confront the nursing home. She wanted to make an appointment and have a conversation with the nursing home director but feared this may negatively impact the treatment she and her mother received in the future.

She was offered a conflict resolution coaching session, during which she received tools and formulated an action plan with a conflict resolution coach on how to approach the nursing home director. She then met with the director to raise all the issues bothering her, as she had prepared and trained for with the coach. At the conclusion of the meeting, the two agreed on guidelines for her mother’s future care.

Example 2:

Michal is a young woman who is currently unemployed. She is the youngest sibling in a family struggling to care for two parents without economic means and requiring nursing care. Most of the care for their parents falls to Michal, as she is the youngest child and still living at home. The others are older, already have families of their own, live far away and are struggling with their own issues.

Throughout the last two years, Michal had accrued a debt to her mobile phone service provider. She did try on several occasions to deal with the matter but the constant obligations to care for her parents and search for work prevented her from finalizing the debt or reaching an agreement with the company. Several months ago, her phone line was disconnected, and she recently received a letter of claim from an attorney, an external legal representative hired by the company, demanding 7000 ILS in payment. Michal tried several times to contact the attorney but only received dismissive and rude responses from the office secretary. Michal felt the secretary was deliberately being evasive, not allowing her to speak directly with the attorney.

The sum being demanded shocked Michal, who had no possibility of paying. Furthermore, having no working phone made life even more difficult. Looking for work required using her phone, as did the arrangements she needed to make for her parents or speaking to friends to get the emotional support needed. This could not all be achieved only using her parents’ landline.

The Mosaica mediation center managed to contact the lawyer and invite him to mediation. He refused but did contact Michal and suggested meeting with her to reach an agreement without having to sue in court. Michal was very apprehensive about the meeting and asked to speak to a conflict resolution coach.

During a meeting with a Mosaica coach, Michal assessed the various alternatives for settling the dispute and planned for her optimal outcome. Initially, she decided to consult with a financial expert, a neighbor who happened to be a certified accountant and also her previous employer in an accountant agency. This would hopefully better prepare her to discuss interest rates, linked fees, payment plans, etc. she also received mediation tools for negotiating effectively and representing herself. Finally, she decided to attend the meeting with a friend named Yossi, an insurance agent by trade.